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Korail develops track inspection robot

18 December 2023
Reading time ~ 1 min
The track inspection robot by Korail
The track inspection robot by Korail. Source: Korail
Savenkova Ekaterina, Editorial Contributor to International Projects of ROLLINGSTOCK Agency
Reading time ~ 1 min
Stolchnev Alexey, Russian Projects Editor, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency

South Korea: The passenger operator reports that the robot moves autonomously at 20 km/h along railway tracks and sends real-time images and signals to a cloud server.

It is equipped with an LTE module and a computer vision system of cameras and lidars.

The new unit can check the condition of the tracks in extreme weather conditions or when a situation can could endanger the life and health of employees. Korail plans to complete the pilot operation phase by the end of the year and start commercial operation of the robot in 2024.

Robots for different purposes are being introduced in different countries. In China, a cobot with a computer vision system inspects trains, while in Germany Stadler cobots inspect trains in a depot.

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