Germany: The software kit has been designed to increase the level of automation in the maintenance of light rail systems to improve the reliability, safety and economic efficiency of their operation.
Belarus: Whether it is the Minsk 2024 itself or its development, production or delivery, it is clear that TMH has made the comfort of the customer, operator or passenger a priority.
Germany: Hyundai Rotem is showing its first hydrogen LRV at InnoTrans 2024.
Germany: The second-generation three-car vehicle makes its debut at the exhibition in Berlin. The 30.8 m-long “tram” can accommodate 300 people and reach peak speeds of 100 km/h.
Belarus: Aleksandr Kazakevich, Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales, has announced the news during his interview for the Respublika newspaper.
The Department of Transportation of the Russian capital has reported about the delivery of the STS270 vehicles.
Latest contracts, tenders and purchases in the sector of urban rail transport.
South Korea: The manufacturer has posted an infographic showing parameters of the tram as well as components of its propulsion system.
France: Deliveries will be tested in Strasbourg from 16 September to 26 October via seven-car Citadis trams delivered by Alstom since 2005.