France: A fleet of 25 four-car Citadis Dualis tram-trains has started passenger service on the 20.4 km T12 line with 16 stations.
The tram-trains will run in two-vehicle MUs, each tram-train carrying up to 251 people. An estimated 40,000 passengers a day are expected to make use of the new line.
In the driver’s cab of the Citadis Dualis tram. Source: Île-de-France Mobilités
In 2019, the transport authority Ile-de-France Mobilités ordered a fleet of 25 four-car Citadis Dualis worth €145 mln. Trials of the vehicles began in January on several sections of the T12 line.
The rolling stock is designed to operate at 100 km/h on mainline railways and at 70 km/h on urban light rail lines. The tram-trains have wide doors and retractable steps to close the gap between the platform and the train when the doors are open.