Italy: The company says it has acquired the French branch Hitachi Rail STS, which focuses on mainline signalling systems.
UK: The project, implemented in the country, is aimed to develop LiFePO4 battery that is 40% smaller and 22% lighter.
UK: The passenger operator has posted interior images of the first and second classes, luggage storage, and wheelchair spaces.
USA, Canada: The announcement was made by the North American joint venture, which comprises 11 major market players.
Japan: The operators have announced their plans to withdraw two Doctor Yellow inspection trains produced more than 20 years ago.
Key news and contracts in the light rail vehicle market.
Key news and events of the rolling stock market.
Italy: In 2026, the Italian city will begin receiving LRVs with a length of 35.5 m and a maximum speed of 70 km/h.
The new geopolitical conditions are no longer having a major impact on the industry, as evidenced by the dynamics of changes in revenues and backlogs of orders of the major players in the rolling stock market.