India, Malaysia: The manufacturers have entered into a partnership in terms of supply and maintenance of rolling stock products for the markets of Southeast Asia and Africa.
Russia: The national operator, Russian Railways (RZD), commissioned the automated ES2G-113 Lastochka EMU to transport passengers on the Moscow Central Ring (MCC).
Croatia: The two-car train will be unveiled at InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin. It has been produced for Croatia's national passenger operator HŽPP.
The Government of Moscow launched an information platform UrbanTransportData a year ago. Last week, its current functionality was presented at the International Transport Summit, attended by 107 experts from 24 countries.
Key news and contracts in the rolling stock market.
Romania: During the tests at the Făurei test site, the six-car trains reached the speeds of up to 160 km/h, according to the manufacturer.
Japan: The operators have announced their plans to withdraw two Doctor Yellow inspection trains produced more than 20 years ago.
Russia: The video shows the entire production cycle at the shop located in the town of Torzhok.
Russia: Following the rejection of its appeal at the end of July, the French manufacturer filed a new appeal with the Commercial Court of the Volga Federal District.