China: The CHA3C1 locomotive has been commissioned by Meishan Iron & Steel and is already put into operation at a steel plant in Nanjing.
Brief overview of key events and news in the rail rolling stock markets.
Argentina: Early in December the province of Jujuy's governor Gerardo Morales took part in a test trip on a 20-km section of a tourist narrow-gauge Volcán-Tilcara line.
China: The first dual-fuel 12-cylinder 12V240H-DFA engine was demonstrated at the Dalian plant.
Portugal: The tram was launched seven months behind schedule due to numerous problems, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
Brief overview of key events and news in the rail rolling stock markets.
Thailand: In November, four-car trains started travelling in test mode at 80 km/h on the Pink Line, which runs for 34.5 km, serving a total of 30 stations.
India: Maharashtra Metro Rail, the railway operator of the Indian state of the same name, has opened the first section of an 11.1 km elevated metro line.
Mexico: The rolling stock was revealed at the Chinese manufacturer's plant in Nanjing.