Germany: Together with its cooperation partner NVIDIA, DSD presented a photo-realistic digital twin of a railway line for fully automation operation.
USA: For the CHSRA tender, the German manufacturer is proposing a train based on the Velaro Novo platform.
USA: The Regional Transportation District, RTD, has started to change the upholstery material on tram seats.
USA: A $390 mln framework contract with the German manufacturer has been signed with the local operator Bi-State Development Agency.
Austria: The contract with the local leasing company ELL includes a firm part for 60 locomotives of various traction types for passenger and freight service with deliveries starting in 2025.
Brief overview of key events and news in the rail rolling stock markets.
Germany: An economically viable three-car modification of the Mireo platform was unveiled at the plant in Krefeld.
The highest grade of automation, GoA4, has become familiar for metro and monorail and will soon be adopted in other segments of railway transport.
One of the main trends in railway transport in recent years is replacing diesel engines with alternative ones. As all major manufacturers are responsive to market demands, they develop rolling stock on alternative traction.