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VPRS-03.2 tamping machine sent to Zheleznogorsk by First May Kirov Machine Plant

5 June 2024
Reading time ~ 1 min
The VPRS0-03.2 tamping machine for Zheleznogorsk
The VPRS0-03.2 tamping machine for Zheleznogorsk. Source: First May Kirov Machine Plant
Stolchnev Alexey, Russian Projects Editor, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency
Reading time ~ 1 min
Yashchenko Olga, Editorial Contributor to International Projects, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency

Russia: As pointed by the manufacturer, the vehicle will be used for operations at the largest in Russia iron ore mining and processing facility Mikhailovsky GOK.

The GOK is located in Zheleznogorsk and belonging to the Metalloinvest metallurgical holding company.

The VPRS-03.2 tamping machine is designed for track lining and profile treatment with vertical and horizontal adjustments, as well as for tamping ballast under the track, on both sides of sleepers, underneath the timbers of turnouts, switches and crossings. The announced maximum capacity for lining and tamping is 1,200 sleepers per hour. The machine can operate in semi-automated or manual mode performing lining and tamping operations on main lines and station tracks as well as turnouts.

The VPRS0-03.2 tamping machine for Zheleznogorsk. Source: First May Kirov Machine Plant

Earlier, Yuri Loginov, the executive director of First May Kirov Machine Plant, reported the manufacturer having orders for eight tamping machines this year.

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