Russia: The solutions have been revealed at Tulazheldormash (owned by PTK Group) during the celebration of its celebrate its 155th anniversary.
The plant has premiered the ballast recycler of the SchOM-MRS formation rehabilitation machine. The recycler cleans the used ballast of debris and then returns it to the underlying layer, thus increasing the efficiency of track work. According to PTK Group, this is a unique machine that can outperform the AHM-800R from Plasser & Theurer. The SchOM-MRS prototype will be ready for certification in autumn 2025.
The bogie for track machine by Tulazheldormash. Source: Sergey Belov/ROLLINGSTOCK
Another premiere is proprietary bogies with increased payload. These have been designed to require less frequent repair due to the use of tapered roller bearings. The bogies have been developed for track machines by Tulazheldormash, ensuring their increased speed, payload and traction force.