The new geopolitical conditions are no longer having a major impact on the industry, as evidenced by the dynamics of changes in revenues and backlogs of orders of the major players in the rolling stock market.
USA: The Israeli company says that in June, the pilot Shunting Yard samples have been installed for the infrastructure maintenance company Loram and an unnamed freight operator.
USA: The weatherproof coating is developed by Advanced Polymer Coatings, a traditional producer of such solutions for various machines in the US market.
USA: The rolling stock manufacturer has signed a contract worth $210 mln with LACMTA for the refurbishment of 74 metro cars.
USA: According to the agreement, RailPulse becomes a reseller partner who is going to supply railcar owners with the IQ Series telematics system.
USA: The Wall Street Journal has a great article on the prospects and limitations of alternative traction for diesel locomotives.
USA: The transportation administration DART started testing a fleet of eight diesel trains on a 54.7 line between Fort Worth and Dallas.
France, USA: Kevin Speed, a private operator, and Brightline West, a HSR line operator, plan to contract the manufacturers in the nearest future.
USA: The interior design renderings have been released by the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) which is responsible for the Merced–Bakersfield high-speed rail line.