Germany: Visitors to this year’s show in Berlin could see trams from Alstom, Hyundai Rotem, Astra and others, while the only metro train and tram-train were presented by Stadler.
Germany: Visitors to the fair witnessed the premiere of mainline locomotives from Stadler, Siemens, Talgo and others. Large shunting locomotives from Vossloh RS, CZ Loko and small vehicles from Zwiehoff and Zagro were also on display.
France: Following the results of the tender, the Paris public transport administration, RATP, has placed an order with the Swiss manufacturer for 12 locomotives powered by third rail and batteries.
USA: The Utah Transit Authority has signed a contract with the Swiss manufacturer for the supply of up to 80 Citylink low-floor light rail vehicles.
Latest rolling stock procurements and supplies in the global market.
EU: The national operator OBB, Austria, is requesting a corresponding research, and Mitsubishi Electric has received an order from Siemens Mobility.
Germany: This year’s InnoTrans saw the presentation of trains from CRRC, Stadler, Siemens Mobility, Alstom, etc.
Latest urban rail transport procurements from Stadler, CAF and Modertrans as well as for Dubai, Pyatigorsk and St. Petersburg.
Belarus: Peter Spuhler, President of the board of directors and main shareholder of the company, was cited by several business media as saying.