Germany: The VDB national railway industry association gave a tough talk, pointing out the need for urgent support measures at the European level.
Germany: The company and its 16 partners plan to create a system of standards for testing and applying AI in regional trains.
Germany: A fleet of four 3-car GoA2 trains with automated start-up, acceleration, braking and stopping functions has been put into commercial operation on a section of the S-Bahn urban rail system in Hamburg.
Germany, Austria: Talgo showed the first ICE L train coach for Deutsche Bahn. In turn, Siemens Mobility presented the interior of a new generation of Viaggio coaches for OBB.
PC TS handed over the tram with the ATO system by Cognitive Tram Pilot to the customer, CAF announced the trials of the computer vision system in Spain and Norway, and UKCP moved the deadlines for unmanned tram development.
Egypt: Siemens Mobility in a joint venture has signed a contract for the construction and maintenance for the country's 2,000 km HSR network including the rolling stock deliveries.
Poland: PKP Intercity plans to switch to “zero-emission” rolling stock by 2030. Alstom and Siemens are ready to offer solutions, as well as local Pesa is developing such vehicles.
Russia: Against the background of the situation in Ukraine and sanctions, the company has begun the procedure for terminating its business in Russia. At the same time, Siemens doubts about leaving China in the case of similar events.
Germany: A joint presentation with Deutsche Bahn of a two-car train and a mobile trailer for hydrogen transportation took place at the manufacturer's plant in Krefeld.