Japan: As the tests of the E956 series train are completed, Takeshi Matsunuma, Editor-in-Chief of Toyo Keizai, reviewed the high-speed train prototypes that have been produced since the early 1990s.
South Korea: This is the first serial multiple unit train by Hyundai Rotem with a design speed of 320 km/h. Its launch into commercial operation is scheduled for 2023.
Germany: The VDB national railway industry association gave a tough talk, pointing out the need for urgent support measures at the European level.
Germany: The company and its 16 partners plan to create a system of standards for testing and applying AI in regional trains.
Russia: The company is working on the certification of a bogie for a 25-t axle load. R&D is also underway in the direction of telematics and a pre-design study of a two-axle bogie for 140 km/h railcars is being carried out.
South Africa: A new tender is planned to be announced. This became possible after a court decision to suspend the contracts for the supply of 1,064 locomotives, concluded in 2014.
Russia: The R&D Institute of RZD reported on the successful declaration of hardware and software components of its computer vision system for compliance with the TR EAEU 001/2011 technical regulations.
Russia: It is planned to launch the production of 170 trams under the concession project. At the same time, BKM Holding does not currently have its own serial low-floor models in the portfolio.
Russia: Andrey Romanchikov, Managing Director for the Intelligent Control Systems Development at TMH, CEO of TMH Smart Systems Group, told about the company's activities in digital solutions for rolling stock.