Germany: In September, visitors to the Berlin show could see machinery for infrastructure maintenance, diagnostics and construction from SRT, Plasser & Theurer, Robel, Linsinger, etc., with seven vehicles making their debut.
Germany: Plasser & Theurer, Robel, Kirow Ardelt, Linsinger, SRT, Vossloh and Windhoff presented their machines for rail infrastructure maintenance and construction at the InnoTrans exhibition in Berlin. However, only one vehicle made its debut.
Germany: The VDB national railway industry association gave a tough talk, pointing out the need for urgent support measures at the European level.
Germany: Robel, Linsinger and SRT presented their new track maintenance vehicles - Romill Urban E³, MG11 H₂, Vulcano Heavy and Vulcano Light - at the 28th International Exhibition for Track Technology (iaf) in Munster.
USA: The manufacturer is working on a rail milling machine powered by batteries and a diesel engine. The vehicle is to be delivered to Plasser's US subsidiary this summer.