Latest deals and contracts on the freight car market.
Overview of events and news of the global freight car market.
Overview of events and news of the global freight market.
Ukraine: Krukiv Railway Car Building Works has completed the refurbishment of the second train built for the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship.
Brief overview of key events and news in the rail rolling stock markets.
Ukraine: The Kryukiv Railway Car Building Works has produced two prototypes of a 1,435 mm Sggrss 80 flatcar that have been tested at EU test sites.
Ukraine: The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office announced the opening of criminal proceedings against officials of one of the largest freight and passenger rolling stock manufacturers in the country.
Ukraine: At the end of 2021, 1,948 freight cars were produced in the country, which is the lowest volume since 2015. However, the state's fleet renewal program should enable the industry to emerge from the depression.