Latest deals and contracts in the LRV market.
Latest contracts and tenders on the freight car market.
Türkiye: A trial run of the local manufacturer’s four-car trainset was carried out with the participation of Tahir Buyukakin, Mayor of the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality.
Contracts and tenders in the tram market.
Türkiye: The national manufacturer has released a video with a 3D model of the train showing the driver’s cab, interiors of various cars and a bistro car.
The Government of Moscow launched an information platform UrbanTransportData a year ago. Last week, its current functionality was presented at the International Transport Summit, attended by 107 experts from 24 countries.
Türkiye: The announcement was made by Turkish Transport Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu at the manufacturer's site in Sivas.
Türkiye: The four-car train is currently being assembled at the plant in Sakarya. The production of the train is expected to be completed in November.
Türkiye, China: A joint venture between the French producer and Shanghai Electric Group, HATEE, has been established in Hefei.