Germany, Czechia: Trains from two European car manufacturers based on alternative traction enter service.
New contracts and deals in the global rolling stock market.
Czechia: The assembly of the first low-floor bi-directional ForCity Classic tram has started at the company’s production site in Plzeň.
Overview of key news on the global passenger rolling stock market.
Overview of events and news of the global freight car market.
Czechia: The private operator agreed with the manufacturer on a five-year lease of three Sirius EMUs.
Czechia: The Spanish manufacturer’s electric locomotive arrived at the VUZ Velim test centre in Czechia.
Germany: The software kit has been designed to increase the level of automation in the maintenance of light rail systems to improve the reliability, safety and economic efficiency of their operation.
South Korea, Czechia: Škoda Group has signed memoranda of understanding with two subsidiaries of the South Korean holding, the rolling stock producer Hyundai Rotem and the car manufacturer Hyundai Motor.