India: The prototype train was presented at the BEML plant in Bengaluru, which has reportedly been built within nine months. According to the country’s Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, the train will undergo trials for three months and then start carrying passengers.
Compared to the traditional Vande Bharat, the sleeper modification will ensure passenger service on long routes from 800 to 1,200 km. Each trainset consists of a first-class cars for 24 passengers, four two-tier cars for 188 passengers, and 11 three-tier cars for 611 passengers, for a total of 823 passengers. The maximum operating speed is claimed to be 160 km/h.
Vande Bharat sleeper prototype. Source: DD News
BEML’s plans are to build ten Vande Bharat with sleeper cars. Further orders for the same trains have been placed with two consortia, one between TMH and RVNL and the other between Titagarh Wagons and BHEL.