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RegioJet leases CRRC’s ill-fated trains

15 October 2024
Reading time ~ 1 min
The CRRC Sirius EMU for the UK market
The CRRC Sirius EMU for the UK market. Source: JvBTrainspotting
Ivolgina Anna, Editorial Contributor to International Projects, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency
Reading time ~ 1 min
Stolchnev Alexey, Russian Projects Editor, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency

Czechia: The private operator agreed with the manufacturer on a five-year lease of three Sirius EMUs.

Next January, the trains are to be put into regular service on the Kolin–Usti nad Labem rail corridor, where they were previously in trial operation. The vehicles will run under a temporary permit, the approval is to be secured next year.

The train was expected to become CRRC’s debut in the EU’s multiple unit market. More than seven years ago, in 2016, three Sirius trains (+ an option for 30 units) were ordered by the Czech operator, Leo Express. However, the delivery failures and delayed approval forced the company to terminate the contract in 2022.

Sirius’s each fifth component is reported to be manufactured in Czechia. The six-car aluminium-bodied train can accommodate 300 people and run on AC and DC lines at a maximum speed of 160 km/h.

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