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First Škoda Group’s ForCity Smart 41Т tram put in operation in Bonn

13 December 2024
Reading time ~ 1 min
The first Škoda Group’s ForCity Smart 41Т tram in Bonn
The first Škoda Group’s ForCity Smart 41Т tram in Bonn. Source: SWB
Stolchnev Alexey, Russian Projects Editor, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency
Reading time ~ 1 min
Yashchenko Olga, Editorial Contributor to International Projects, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency

Germany: The three-car bidirectional tram has commenced passenger service on Line 61 of 8.7 km. Initially, it was to be launched in 2022, but the first LRV arrived in the German city only in March 2023.

The ForCity Smart 41Т of 30.6 m can run at a maximum speed of 80 km/h and accommodate 180 passengers, including 60 seated. There is a dedicated area for wheelchairs, prams, and bicycles. The LRV is equipped with an air-conditioning system which utilises CO2 as a refrigerant. This year, the tram design has been recognised with the Red Dot Design Award.

The framework agreement with the city’s operator Stadtwerke Bonn for the supply of up to 38 trams was inked in December 2019. Under the firm part of the contract and the exercised option, Škoda Group is to deliver 28 such vehicles. Four trams from the batch have been already received by Bonn, with one of them exhibited at InnoTrans 2024.

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