Belarus: Since Sunday, two T811s vehicles have been running on two routes.
From December 2024, the public transport operator Minsktrans has received eight of the 20 of this model ordered. The remaining units are expected to be delivered this year.
A T811 tram is capable of carrying 159 passengers, 35 of them seated,and has four doors on one side.
According to BKM Holding, the local content of this tram is 80%. The company has mastered the production of low-floor bogies, the track brakes are made in cooperation with the Minsk Electrotechnical Plant, and the prototype motors are supplied by Mogilevliftmash.
A car is fitted with four motors of 72 kW each and batteries that allow it to travel autonomously for up to 1 km. Its load-bearing frame is 100% metal and it is covered with fibreglass, composite and aluminium panels.