Belarus: First single-car T811 LRVs have been delivered from the plant in the Belarusian capital to the depot of the public transport operator Minsktrans. A total of 20 such trams have been so far ordered for the city.
According to BKM Holding, the production of the vehicles is 80% localised. Thus, the low-floor bogies are of the manufacturer’s own production, while the track brake has been designed in partnership with the Minsk Electrotechnical Plant, and the prototypes of motors have been produced by Mogilevliftmash.
The T811 tram can accommodate 159 passengers, including 35 seated. Each car features four doors on one side (two of them are double doors).
The rolling stock is equipped with four 72 kW motors and, in addition, with batteries allowing for 1 km of autonomous run. The body frame is all-steel, with the exterior panelling, roof including, made of fibreglass, composite and aluminium panels.