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UralVagonZavod delivers new wagons for transportation of molten cast iron

16 December 2024
Reading time ~ 1 min
An innovative wagons for transportation of molten cast iron from UralVagonZavod
New wagons for transportation of molten cast iron from UralVagonZavod. Source: UKBV
Stolchnev Alexey, Russian Projects Editor, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency
Reading time ~ 1 min
Yashchenko Olga, Editorial Contributor to International Projects, ROLLINGSTOCK Agency

Russia: An unknown customer has received a total of 20 freight cars of series 23-5994.

The rolling stock has been designed by the Ural Car-Building Engineering Department (UKBV), part of the UralVagonZavod Corporation. The new vehicles do not need certification as they will be deployed on non-public industrial railways.

The 23-5994 wagons are reportedly intended for transportation of metals, particularly pig iron molten to +400 °C, which allows for avoiding disruptions in metallurgical operations. It will be not necessary to cool down the metal, as the cast iron ingots can be loaded into the wagons in their molten form and transported to production facilities for further processing.

According to the UKBV, the new vehicles feature an increased payload, in comparison with similar wagons. Meanwhile, the photo reveals that the 23-5994 freight cars are equipped with the 23.5 tf bogies.

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