Czechia: The assembly of the first low-floor bi-directional ForCity Classic tram has started at the company’s production site in Plzeň.
Romania: The commercial director of the Romanian manufacturer Sebastian Ghiţă was cited by the Gazeta de Sud as saying.
Russia: The head of the the city operator Gorelectrotrans, Denis Minkin, has announced the preliminary results of the use of Cognitive Tram Pilot at the round table in the Russian State Duma.
Germany: The trains were built by Bombardier Transportation, which was acquired by Alstom three years ago.
The salt wagons run from Koper (Slovenia) and Ebensee am Traunsee (Austria) to the chemical company Donau Chemie's site in Brückl (Austria).
Uzbekistan: The Acting Chair of the national operator Uzbekiston Temir Yollari (UTY) Zufar Narzullayev has told in an interview with the Uzbekistan 24 TV channel that the Russian-made train had been delivered.
Russia: The concept was developed by ART-UP STUDIO, Russia, in technical cooperation with Krasnoyarsk Machine-building Components, KMK.
Ghana: Two two-car Regio160 trains started to run on the country’s first 1,435 mm gauge line.
Germany: The six-car train was unveiled to the customer’s delegation, the national operator Norske tog, at a plant in Saltzgitter, Germany.